Shipping Terms- Explained
Check out our glossary page for a list of shipping terms.
Check out our glossary page for a list of shipping terms.
A Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) form 5106 is used to create or update a unique number for any importer bringing products with a value over $2,500 into the United States. Any goods arriving in the US are considered an import and, therefore, must be approved by CBP. In order to be processed for approval, …
It’s no secret that consumers are turning to eCommerce in record numbers. In turn, sellers have had to reconfigure their sales models, focus more attention and resources on logistics. Large companies like Amazon and big box retailers like WalMart are best situated to reduce shipping costs by owning their own fleets of trucks, planes and …
We’ve all gotten those packages from Amazon with a couple of tubes of toothpaste packed into a 2 foot box stuffed with bubble wrap or those styrofoam popcorns. Those packages take up space the carrier could use to ship more packages if only they were packed more efficiently. It also costs the shipper more than …
Your customers have come to expect that items they purchased will be delivered to their homes or businesses without so much as giving it a second thought. However, that expectancy is enabled by a complex shipping and logistics system that, for the originator, can be a painstaking affair with manyunexpected obstacles along the way. Your …
What’s the Difference Between 3PL and Freight Forwarding? Read More »