Joel Moskowitz

Joel Moskowitz is the Senior Content Writer and a member of the Marketing team at the SPL Group. He has written extensively about shipping, logistics, eCommerce, and the ecosystem. Joel loves the written word and is a proud NY Times Crossword puzzler, he also boasts a 95% win percentage at Wordle.

You Need Help With Your Shipping Operation

If you are a company that ships products, you are well aware of the complex and time-consuming nature of the process. There are numerous variables and factors to consider, making it challenging for businesses to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of goods while keeping costs under control.

The Manufacturing Pivot

Many companies are shifting manufacturing away from China to locations closer to home or to places with friendlier relations. The movement away from offshoring to friend-shoring and nearshoring offers several benefits while simultaneously addressing the need to move away from reliance on China.

The Ever Evolving Last-Mile Delivery World

The evolution from mostly brick-and-mortar shopping to buying online was rapid, and the logistics of getting products from the factory to the front porch became complicated and costly. Choosing the right third-party logistics (3PL) company is crucial not only to save on the costs of shipping but also to guarantee that deliveries are made on time as promised.


Covid exposed the unpreparedness of the whole supply chain to numerous simultaneous failures. Here, we try to parse why a previously resilient system collapsed and what to look out for in the future.

LTL Explained

LTL Explained Shipping, logistics, supply chain management, and a whole slew of other terms have been around forever. The popularity of eCommerce, the Covid related lockdowns, and the subsequent demand for online shopping has made them part of our regular discourse. As our logistics vocabulary has expanded, so has the popularity of services that have …

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Returns – Here’s What You Need to Know

Returns Consumers have come to expect two basic things from retailers, particularly online eCommerce/omnichannel sellers; free and quick delivery and free returns. Those are the Holy Grail you need to offer in order to be competitive in the digital economy. In previous submissions, I addressed how free shipping isn’t always free. While retailers are savvy …

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